Archivo de la categoría: soul mate

Like a ray of white light towards Brahma

Like a ray of white light towards Brahma Listen to the Immense! Listen to the village’s beautiful sounds in silence! Listen to the «Om» in the brief dormant silences of your soul. Listen to the broken silences of the waters … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en "Om" powerful mantra, ¡Om Namah Shivaia!, Brahma, Brahma intérieur, Contemplad la Joya del Loto, cosmic soul, dignity of soul, Freedom of all slave souls, Freedom of all slave souls..., Freedom of the soul, I am traveler soul, Immortal soul, Immortality of the soul, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri Escritor basco, Maika Etxarri Escritor basco Poesia e fotografia de direitos autorais, Maika Etxarri escritora, Maika Etxarri escritora basca, Maika Etxarri escritora vasca, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta y blogger de Spain, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta, blogger y fotógrafa de Iruña, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta, blogger y fotógrafa de Nafarroa, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta, blogger y fotógrafa pamplonesa, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Navarra, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and Spanish blogger, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographed by heart Author of the book the rose of the desert, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographer from Pamplona, Mantra tibetano Om Mani Padme Hum, Mantras, Mantras a la diosa Tara, Mantras budistas, Mantras des enfants de la lumière, Mantras dos filhos da luz, my atavistic, ancestral soul, mystic mantras, OM, Om Mani Padme Hum, OM MANI PADME HUM- BELLÍSIMA VERSIÓN DE IMEE OOI, Om namah shivaia, poets of the immortality of the soul, Revolutionary soul, sacred soul, Sanskrit mantras, Sin categoría, Sonidos de mantras, sons de mantras, soul, soul mate, Soul mates, Soul of free essence, soul twins, soul wounds, towards Brahma | 1 Comentario

Have you met your soul mate? | Ashley Clift-Jennings

Publicado en Almas gemelas, Have you met your soul mate?, Sin categoría, soul mate | Deja un comentario