Archivo de la categoría: Orwell

Freedom of humanity

Freedom of humanity The world that Orwell predicted is a reality in the 21st century. There is a secret world dictatorship, whose objective is that the population is docile and not very reflective. Mankind is being manipulated, at a planetary … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en consumerism, Control mental, electromagnetic radiation, Esclavitud del nuevo orden mundial, Esclavitud humana, essence de liberté, estado supremo de libertação do ser, Fotografías de la Foz de Lumbier de Maika Etxarri, Freedom, Freedom of the soul, Freedom to dream, freedom, tolerance, justice and social equality, global awakening, hips (magnetic nanoparticles) to control our brain, human slavery, Humanitatea transmutazio, ideological freedom, implantation of chips, libertação suprema, Libertad, liberté, Libre del nuevo orden mundial, Madre Libertad, magnetic nanoparticles, Manipulación planetaria, mental control, Mother Freedom, Neuromarketing, Nuevo orden establecido mundial, Orwell, secret intelligence services, Secret weapons, secret world dictatorship, Sin categoría, slavery of the new world order, the New World Order, the process of awakening of our humanity, the process of transmutation, The world that Orwell predicted, the yoke of the New World Order, there are technologies to read our thoughts, transmutação, Transmutación, transmutación a un nivel superior, Transmutación del alma, Transmutar as memórias, Volar en libertad | Deja un comentario