Archivo de la categoría: supreme wisdom and the true truth

Love … just love …

Love … just love … On the roof of the world, among the shadows of old monasteries, pure hearts open their petals in flower. They´re lotus flowers in the awakening to light. They´re pure hearts, immortal loves that dance with … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Amor ancestral universal, ancestral decree, ancestral forests, ancestral knowledge, Awakening of all living beings, awakening to the light, Awakening to the original primal light, Book about awakening, conhecimento ancestral, conocimiento ancestral, CONOCIMIENTOS SECRETOS DE PUEBLOS ANCESTRALES, danças de tribos ancestrais, dances of ancestral tribes, elemental beings, Enseñanzas de culturas ancestrales, Father Sun, florestas ancestrais, Fotografías de árboles de Maika Etxarri, Fotografías de la naturaleza de Maika Etxarri, Fotografías del bosque de Orgi de Maika Etxarri, hidden existential dimensions, Immortal love, Immortality of the soul, Interdimensional love, light and unconditional love, love and peace, Love of light, of peace, of existential harmony, love poetry, Love poetry by Maika Etxarri, Love without conditions, without premises, without prejudice, Love without limits, Love without rest, without truce without borders, Maika Etxarri Prose philosophique du droit d'auteur et de la photographie, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographed by heart Author of the book the rose of the desert, Maika Etxarri's photography, MITOLOGÍA ANCESTRAL, Palabras, raíces ancestrales, parallel universes, Philosophical Prose and Photography, Philosophical Prose and Photography of Maika Etxarri, Photographer from Pamplona, Poésie et photographie Maika Etxarri, poetic soul, Pueblos ancestrales, Sacred geometrical figures, Sin categoría, soul, Soul mates, soul twins, soul wounds, Spanish female photographer, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, supreme wisdom and the true truth, The awakening of our humanity, the network of Indra multiversal, the power of love, true love, compassion, unconditional forgiveness, Universal and unconditional divine love, universal beings, universal love, way of love, Way of love and compassion | Deja un comentario