Archivo de la categoría: the subconscious

Your subtle consciousness

Your subtle consciousness Fragrances of white roses awaken your subtle consciousness, goddess Isis, mythological queen of white magic. Essence of violet cinnamon impregnate your silver aura with divine neon lights, with eternal silences of the universal collective superconscious, with beautiful … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Amor ancestral universal, ancestral decree, ancestral knowledge, ancestral roots, conhecimento ancestral, consciousness of Being, Diosa Isis, Egyptian words, ancestral roots, Fotografías de Navarra de Maika Etxarri, Fotografías desierto de las Bardenas de Maika Etxarri, Historia de la mitología, Inconsciente colectivo, Leyendas mitológicas, Love poetry by Maika Etxarri, Madre Isis, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, mente superconsciente, Mito Osiriaco, MITOLOGÍA ANCESTRAL, Mitología egipcia, Poesía de amor de Maika Etxarri, Poesía en inglés de Maika Etxarri, Poetry of writer Maika Etxarri, Sin categoría, supracosmic consciousness, the conscious mind, the subconscious, vivencias supraconscientes | Deja un comentario

Indra Network, Theory of Strings

Indra Network, Theory of Strings There aren´t coincidences, there´re synchronizations as Carl Gustav Jung expressed it. Synchronicity is one of the most enigmatic and surprising aspects of this macro universe. The synchronizations are connected to each other. They´re invisible parallelisms, … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Awakening of all living beings, awakening to the light, Awakening to the original primal light, Book "Nirvana of light", Book about awakening, Carl Gustav Jung, Carl Gustav Jung's Theory of Synchronization, Diosa Shakti, Energía Shakti, energia criativa Shakti, Energia sortzailea Shakti, energy Shakti, evolution of the mind and spiri, Fotografías abstractas de Maika Etxarri, Indra multiversal sarean, Indra Network, Theory of Strings, La sincronicidad de Carl Gustav Jung, Maika Etxarri, author of the book Nirvana of light, new awakening to another vibrational wave, NIRVANA DE LUZ, Nirvana of light, Nirvanako, Red de Indra, Shakti jainkosaren energia, Sin categoría, SPIRITUAL AWAKENING, The awakening of our humanity, the conscious mind, the network of Indra multiversal, the subconscious, Theory of Strings, universal memory | Deja un comentario