Archivo de la categoría: Freedom of the soul

Master illuminates my path

Master illuminates my path Master, geshe of my desert, illuminate with the light of the universe my eternal walk, sweet silence … Illuminate with my incandescent light my silver path towards sweet immortality… Immortality of my soul and your soul … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en cosmic soul, dignity of soul, Free spirit of the human soul, Freedom of all slave souls, Freedom of the soul, I am traveler soul, Immortal soul, immortality, Immortality of the soul, light of the soul, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Poet of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Navarra, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and Spanish blogger, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographed by heart Author of the book the rose of the desert, old soul, Path to immortality, poetic soul, Reborn to immortality, Sin categoría, soul, Soul of free essence, soul poetry, Sweet human immortality, the cosmic soul, the human soul, the immortality, the immortality and the resurrection, The indigo and crystal soul, the reincarnation of the soul, The soul, The soul of my mountain, The transmigration of your soul, twin souls, Way of awakening to immortality (The desert rose) | Deja un comentario

You felt like a libertarian butterfly

You felt like a libertarian butterfly You felt beautiful, capricious pink in your blooming bed. You felt bright firefly, under the lights of the stars of the East. You felt like a red moon, drunk with ocean perfumes, orange blossom … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Freedom, Freedom for human slavery, freedom for the human slavery, Freedom of all slave souls, Freedom of all slave souls..., Freedom of the soul, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Navarra, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and Spanish blogger, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographed by heart Author of the book the rose of the desert, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographer from Pamplona, Sin categoría | Deja un comentario

Your secret name, freedom

Your secret name freedom You know that the real truth, the absolute truth is in your secret name, freedom … Freedom to fly, to navigate in oceans of transparent light, to cry with broken tears in glass cascades … Freedom … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Freedom, Freedom for human slavery, Freedom for human slavery - Horiya, freedom for the human slavery, Freedom of all slave souls, Freedom of all slave souls..., Freedom of the soul, Freedom to dream, Freedom without borders, Freedom, humility, charity and compassion, Freedom, solidarity, justice and equality, freedom, tolerance, justice and social equality, ideological freedom, Immortal mother - Abode of freedom, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Navarra, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and Spanish blogger, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographed by heart Author of the book the rose of the desert, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographer from Pamplona, Poetic freedom, Poetic freedom, ideological, religious freedom, religious freedom, Sin categoría, Winds of freedom | Deja un comentario

Like a ray of white light towards Brahma

Like a ray of white light towards Brahma Listen to the Immense! Listen to the village’s beautiful sounds in silence! Listen to the «Om» in the brief dormant silences of your soul. Listen to the broken silences of the waters … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en "Om" powerful mantra, ¡Om Namah Shivaia!, Brahma, Brahma intérieur, Contemplad la Joya del Loto, cosmic soul, dignity of soul, Freedom of all slave souls, Freedom of all slave souls..., Freedom of the soul, I am traveler soul, Immortal soul, Immortality of the soul, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri Escritor basco, Maika Etxarri Escritor basco Poesia e fotografia de direitos autorais, Maika Etxarri escritora, Maika Etxarri escritora basca, Maika Etxarri escritora vasca, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta y blogger de Spain, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta, blogger y fotógrafa de Iruña, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta, blogger y fotógrafa de Nafarroa, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta, blogger y fotógrafa pamplonesa, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Navarra, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and Spanish blogger, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographed by heart Author of the book the rose of the desert, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographer from Pamplona, Mantra tibetano Om Mani Padme Hum, Mantras, Mantras a la diosa Tara, Mantras budistas, Mantras des enfants de la lumière, Mantras dos filhos da luz, my atavistic, ancestral soul, mystic mantras, OM, Om Mani Padme Hum, OM MANI PADME HUM- BELLÍSIMA VERSIÓN DE IMEE OOI, Om namah shivaia, poets of the immortality of the soul, Revolutionary soul, sacred soul, Sanskrit mantras, Sin categoría, Sonidos de mantras, sons de mantras, soul, soul mate, Soul mates, Soul of free essence, soul twins, soul wounds, towards Brahma | 1 Comentario

Freedom to fly

Freedom to fly Freedom to fly, to navigate in transparent oceans of light, to weep with broken tears in crystal waterfalls… Freedom to fall in love with millions of hearts, hearts of eternal humility… Freedom, humility, charity and compassion you’ll … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Dream of freedom, Freedom, Freedom for human slavery, Freedom for human slavery - Horiya, freedom for the human slavery, Freedom of all slave souls, Freedom of all slave souls..., Freedom of the soul, Freedom without borders, Freedom, humility, charity and compassion, Freedom, solidarity, justice and equality, freedom, tolerance, justice and social equality, ideological freedom, letras para canciones de Maika Etxarri, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Navarra, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and Spanish blogger, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographed by heart Author of the book the rose of the desert, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographer from Pamplona, Mother Freedom, poesías para canciones de Maika Etxarri, Poetic freedom, Poetic freedom, ideological, religious freedom, religious freedom, Sin categoría | Deja un comentario

In the vibrational quantum

In the vibrational quantum Dreaming of broken neon lights, with subtle metallic harmonies of copper and amber. Dreaming of oneiric oceans of smoked glass, with broken waves impregnated with bubbles and white foams. Dreaming of ships of white flags of … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Dream of freedom, Freedom, Freedom for human slavery, Freedom for human slavery - Horiya, freedom for the human slavery, Freedom of all slave souls, Freedom of all slave souls..., Freedom of the soul, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri idazkaria, Maika Etxarri Idazlea, olerkaria eta Iruñeko argazkilaria, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Navarra, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and Spanish blogger, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographed by heart Author of the book the rose of the desert, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographer from Pamplona, poetry by Maika Etxarri, Poetry by Mari Carmen Echarri (Maika Etxarri), rainbow children, Sin categoría, the Great Central Sun, the quantum, world of indigo, rainbow and crystal | Deja un comentario

The only truth

The only truth The only truth… Truth of the free spirit of the human soul. Dignity of my soul and your soul… Truth that reflects your pain and your feeling. Truth that impacts the hearts of the red eagles. The … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en all the living beings of the universe, amour divin universel, Another universes, awakening, Awakening of all living beings, awakening to the light, Awakening to the original primal light, Beginning of the Universe, Blue Pearl, Book about awakening, Creative source of the Universe, dignity of soul, DNA Awakening, Dream of freedom, Energie subtile universelle, Esclavitud del nuevo orden mundial, esclavitud diseñada del Nuevo Orden Mundial, Esclavitud humana, Esclavitud sexual, existential universe, Fragment de mon livre "The Awakening", Fragment of my book "The Awakening", Freedom, Freedom for human slavery, Freedom for human slavery - Horiya, Freedom of all slave souls, Freedom of all slave souls..., Freedom of the soul, Freedom to dream, Freedom without borders, Freedom, humility, charity and compassion, Freedom, solidarity, justice and equality, freedom, tolerance, justice and social equality, global awakening, human slavery, ideological freedom, l'inconscient collectif universel, LA ESCLAVITUD INFANTIL, letras para canciones de Maika Etxarri, Libertad para la esclavitud humana, Libertad para la esclavitud humana – Horiya, light of the universe, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri Escritor basco, Maika Etxarri Escritor basco Poesia e fotografia de direitos autorais, Maika Etxarri escritora, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta, blogger y fotógrafa pamplonesa, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Navarra, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and Spanish blogger, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographed by heart Author of the book the rose of the desert, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographer from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writter, Mother Freedom, new awakening to another vibrational wave, Opresión y esclavitud, Parallel Universe, parallel universes, poesías para canciones de Maika Etxarri, Poetic freedom, Poetic freedom, ideological, religious freedom, poetry by Maika, poetry by Maika Etxarri, Poetry by Mari Carmen Echarri (Maika Etxarri), religious freedom, Romper las cadenas de la esclavitud humana, Sin categoría, slavery of the new world order, Sweet dream of freedom, The awakening of Maika Etxarri, The awakening of our consciousness, The awakening of our humanity, the free spirit, the interstellar dust of the universe, the multidimensional universe, The only truth, the process of awakening of our humanity, universe, Universe of stars, universe of stars..., vibrational quantum universe, Way of awakening to immortality (The desert rose), Winds of freedom, wings of freedom, Your wings of freedom | Deja un comentario

Giza esklabotasuneko kateak apurtzea

Giza esklabotasuneko kateak apurtzea Jakin nahi izango luke zure mundu onirikoan dagoen adarbakoitz hegodunik, erreinu sakraturik eta urrezko ninfarik. Jakin nahi izango luke zure Morfeoren munduan poesiarik idazten duzun egunsentian, betiko giza esklabotasuneko kateak apurtzen badituzu. Nola den zure mundu … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en ailes de liberté, Child that symbolizes freedom, Children of Mother Liberty - Tarwa Mma Horiya, Children of Mother Liberty of Maika Etxarri, Dream of freedom, Dulce sueño de libertad, Enfant qui symbolise la liberté, Enfants de la mère liberté - Tarwa Mma Horiya, essence de liberté, estado supremo de libertação do ser, Filhos da Mãe Liberdade, Filhos da Mãe Liberdade - Tarwa Mma Horiya, Freedom, Freedom for human slavery, Freedom for human slavery - Horiya, Freedom of all slave souls, Freedom of all slave souls..., Freedom of the soul, Freedom to dream, Freedom without borders, Freedom, humility, charity and compassion, Freedom, solidarity, justice and equality, freedom, tolerance, justice and social equality, Giza esklabotasuneko kateak apurtzea, gratitude, peace and truth; liberty, fraternity, solidarity, justice and equality, Hijos de la libertad, Hijos de la Madre Libertad - Tarwa Mma Horiya, Hijos de la Madre Libertad de Maika Etxarri, ideological freedom, Immortal mother - Abode of freedom, la liberté, Libération finale, libération suprême, liberation in Nirvana, Maika Etxarri Copyright poesia eta argazkia|argazkigintza, Maika Etxarri idazkaria, Maika Etxarri Idazlea, olerkaria eta Iruñeko argazkilaria, Mother Freedom, Mother Freedom (The desert rose), Poetic freedom, Poetic freedom, ideological, religious freedom, religious freedom, Sin categoría, Winds of freedom, wings of freedom, Your wings of freedom | 1 Comentario

The wisdom of silence

The wisdom of silence You listen to the wisdom of silence asleep, of muted silence, in your quiet and peaceful refuge. Silences that stifle your experiences, your insides and millenary roots. You know that the authentic truth, the absolute truth … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Dream of freedom, Freedom, Freedom for human slavery, Freedom for human slavery - Horiya, Freedom of all slave souls, Freedom of all slave souls..., Freedom of the soul, Freedom to dream, Freedom without borders, Freedom, humility, charity and compassion, Freedom, solidarity, justice and equality, freedom, tolerance, justice and social equality, ideological freedom, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, Poetry by Mari Carmen Echarri (Maika Etxarri), Sin categoría, The silence, The wisdom of silence | Deja un comentario

Freedom of all slave souls

Freedom of all slave souls (Butterflies of Humanity) At dawn with dawn, millions of fragile butterflies fly over the wild path. And in its sweet flight, roars of ferocious lions are heard, supreme guardians of the nights. Brightly colored butterflies, … Seguir leyendo

Publicado en Freedom, Freedom for human slavery, Freedom for human slavery - Horiya, Freedom of all slave souls, Freedom of all slave souls..., Freedom of the soul, Freedom without borders, Freedom, solidarity, justice and equality, freedom, tolerance, justice and social equality, ideological freedom, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, Mother Freedom, Poetic freedom, Poetic freedom, ideological, religious freedom, religious freedom, Sin categoría | 1 Comentario