Your secret dream world


Your secret dream world

I would like to know how your captive dreams are, how is your dream world. I would like to know if that world is full of snow-capped mountains, sacred monasteries, echoes of distant paradises and sounds of mantras.
I would like to know if in your dream world there are winged unicorns, sacred kingdoms and golden nymphs. I would like to know if in your Morfeo world you write poetry at dawn, if you break the walls and borders of eternal human slavery.
I would like to know if your wild essence travels through the arid African savannah, while your warm body rests in that golden khayma.
I would like to hear from you so many things that I still do not know! There are not enough clocks in the existential universe to house lost time! Time I would like to be with you, between your warm arms, ardent shelter of storms and hurricanes!

Maika Etxarri
Copyright text and photography

Acerca de María Carmen Echarri Yábar

María Carmen Echarri Yábar (Maika Etxarri) escritora, poeta, blogger navarra (España). Autora de los libros en castellano e inglés: Talwardat nljla- La rosa del desierto, Nirvana de luz, Nirvana de amor, El despertar, Transmigración, Quantum, The desert rose, Nirvana of light, The awakening y Transmigration. Maria Carmen Echarri Yábar writer, poet, blogger from Navarra (Spain). Author of the books in Spanish and English: Transmigration, Nirvana of light, Nirvana of love, Quantum, The awakening and The desert rose.
Esta entrada fue publicada en colección de fotografías de Maika Etxarri, dream world, Esclavitud humana, existential universe, human slavery, Love poetry by Maika Etxarri, Morfeo world, nymphs, Poetry of writer Maika Etxarri, Sin categoría, unicorns. Guarda el enlace permanente.

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