When you reach Nirvana

When you reach Nirvana

When you reach Nirvana,
the perfect state of enlightenment,
you will touch the vault
of the celestial ceiling,
in a nuclear fusion of white light…

White light
of all compassionate bodhisattvas,
who returned to existential reality
to relieve your suffering in samsara…

You will feel the immensity of the light
and the supreme energy
of the vital plasma
that radiates from the Great Central Sun…

And you will fly free,
like a transparent arrow,
in a sweet flight
of white gulls towards Brahma,
in the sacred lands of the Himalayas…

Maika Etxarri
Copyright poetry and photography

Acerca de María Carmen Echarri Yábar

María Carmen Echarri Yábar (Maika Etxarri) escritora, poeta, blogger navarra (España). Autora de los libros en castellano e inglés: Talwardat nljla- La rosa del desierto, Nirvana de luz, Nirvana de amor, El despertar, Transmigración, Quantum, The desert rose, Nirvana of light, The awakening y Transmigration. Maria Carmen Echarri Yábar writer, poet, blogger from Navarra (Spain). Author of the books in Spanish and English: Transmigration, Nirvana of light, Nirvana of love, Quantum, The awakening and The desert rose.
Esta entrada fue publicada en Éclairage du Nirvana, En el camino blanco hacia el Nirvana, Iluminação do Nirvana, Le chemin Octuple du Nirvana, Le Octuple Sentier du Nirvana, liberation in Nirvana, Lighting of Nirvana, Moksha and Nirvana, Moksha e Nirvana, Nirvana, Nirvana da Transmigração, NIRVANA DE LUZ, Nirvana de transmigración, Nirvana, moksha lighting, No Caminho Óctuplo ao Nirvana, Sin categoría, The light of Nirvana. Guarda el enlace permanente.

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