We´re all equal, cosmic dust of stars


We´re all equal, cosmic dust of stars

We´re all equal, cosmic dust of stars, small points in an infinite multiverse. What you feel will be seed; what you write will be a realizing fact; what you draw will come true. That which you think will be materialized in the dense; what you perceive in the subtle will manifest before your eyes. What you hear will be the infinite sound of the Universe. Transform this world into a world of love and peace; transform this humanity into a new existential reality …
Transmute all negative in the sacred fire; transmute your attachments, desires and attachments with the light of the Great Central Sun, we´re coming out of the great darkness into the white light, into the universal Blue Pearl …
Work intensely, honestly, your body, mind and spirit; always thanking the universe; sharing your immense happiness, your solidarity. It´s the perfect path to universal light, to your original archetypal design. Transform, transmute this corrupt world, immersed in suffering, in a new world of love and peace …

Maika Etxarri
Copyright poetry and photography

Acerca de María Carmen Echarri Yábar

María Carmen Echarri Yábar (Maika Etxarri) escritora, poeta, blogger navarra (España). Autora de los libros en castellano e inglés: Talwardat nljla- La rosa del desierto, Nirvana de luz, Nirvana de amor, El despertar, Transmigración, Quantum, The desert rose, Nirvana of light, The awakening y Transmigration. Maria Carmen Echarri Yábar writer, poet, blogger from Navarra (Spain). Author of the books in Spanish and English: Transmigration, Nirvana of light, Nirvana of love, Quantum, The awakening and The desert rose.
Esta entrada fue publicada en Libro poético de Maika Etxarri escritora y poeta pamplonica, Maika Etxarri blogger, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Poet of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri Escritor basco, Maika Etxarri Escritor basco Poesia e fotografia de direitos autorais, Maika Etxarri escritora, Maika Etxarri escritora basca, Maika Etxarri escritora euskalduna, Maika Etxarri escritora vasca, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta y blogger de Spain, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta, blogger y fotógrafa de Iruña, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta, blogger y fotógrafa de Nafarroa, Maika Etxarri escritora, poeta, blogger y fotógrafa navarra, Maika Etxarri poet from Navarra, Maika Etxarri poet from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri poeta, Maika Etxarri poeta basca, Maika Etxarri poeta del mundo, Maika Etxarri poeta euskaldun, Maika Etxarri poeta navarra, Maika Etxarri poeta pamplonense, Maika Etxarri poeta pamplonica, Maika Etxarri poeta pamplonica letrista de la canción "Pedacito de amor", Maika Etxarri poeta universal, Maika Etxarri poeta vasca, Maika Etxarri poetisa universal, Maika Etxarri poetry writer, Maika Etxarri writer from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Navarra, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and Spanish blogger, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographed by heart Author of the book the rose of the desert, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographer from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger, photographer and reikidoka, Sin categoría. Guarda el enlace permanente.

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