The claim of my soul

The claim of my soul

Between white tunics, loneliness of cold walls, a last breath of life is extinguished … Sounds of rain; storms that sound scaring your soul …
And you, you ask yourself: Where is it? Where is my human dignity? …
Here nobody listens, I’m just a poet … It’s cold, the white robes are coming… I hear the sounds of rain, I hear the sea and the waves …
Why does not anyone listen to the claim of my soul? …
I need a hug of love, a moment only, a word of encouragement that warms my soul…
Between white robes, loneliness, my last breath of life escapes …
Wanting to imagine a dream: the sea and the waves … the magic of eternal peace…

Maika Etxarri
Copyright poetry and photography

Acerca de María Carmen Echarri Yábar

María Carmen Echarri Yábar (Maika Etxarri) escritora, poeta, blogger navarra (España). Autora de los libros en castellano e inglés: Talwardat nljla- La rosa del desierto, Nirvana de luz, Nirvana de amor, El despertar, Transmigración, Quantum, The desert rose, Nirvana of light, The awakening y Transmigration. Maria Carmen Echarri Yábar writer, poet, blogger from Navarra (Spain). Author of the books in Spanish and English: Transmigration, Nirvana of light, Nirvana of love, Quantum, The awakening and The desert rose.
Esta entrada fue publicada en Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Poet of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri Copyright poetry and photography Writer, poet and blogger of Pamplona, Maika Etxarri poet from Navarra, Maika Etxarri poet from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri poeta, Maika Etxarri poeta basca, Maika Etxarri poeta del mundo, Maika Etxarri poeta euskaldun, Maika Etxarri poeta navarra, Maika Etxarri poeta pamplonense, Maika Etxarri poeta pamplonica, Maika Etxarri poeta pamplonica letrista de la canción "Pedacito de amor", Maika Etxarri poeta universal, Maika Etxarri poeta vasca, Maika Etxarri poetisa universal, Maika Etxarri poetry writer, Maika Etxarri writer from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger citizen of the world, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Navarra, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and blogger from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri writer, poet and Spanish blogger, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographed by heart Author of the book the rose of the desert, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger and photographer from Pamplona, Maika Etxarri Writer, poet, blogger, photographer and reikidoka, Maika Etxarri writer, poet, blogger, photographer and reikidoka from Pamplona, Sin categoría. Guarda el enlace permanente.

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